🏆 Congratulations to Seongho for getting a Faculty Position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Advanced Materials at the Gangneung–Wonju National University, South Korea!
🏆 Congratulations to Micah for getting the 2nd place poster presentation in the Graduate Research Symposium!
📰 Our catch bond paper is getting some media coverage: Engineeringness, phys.org, UBC
🏆 Congratulations to Ryan Riopel for getting the Top poster awards at the URA Symposium!
📝 Micah and David's paper on artificial catch bond is accepted by Nature Communications!
👏 Welcome Danika who joined the lab to do a cool Honours thesis project in collaboration with Dr. Thuy Dang!
👏 Welcome Thang who joined the lab to advance our high-throughput single-molecule assays!
🏆 Micah Yang – Best Presentation Award at the Gordon Research Seminar
📝 Micah and Adam gave talk and poster presentations at the GRC Multiscale Mechanochemistry Mechanobiology meeting, 2024-07, Maine, USA
🏆 Irving Zhang – Best poster awards at the Frontiers in Biophysics conference in Vancouver
📝 Irving and Micah gave poster presentations at Frontiers in Biophysics 2024, 2024-07, Vancouver, BC, Canada
📝 Seongho's paper in spheroid tension is published!
📝 Seongho gave posters at IUPAB Congress 2024, 2024-06, Kyoto, Japan
🏆 Seongho Kim – Poster award in Biophysical Society of Canada Meeting in Montreal
🏆 Micah Yang – Travel Award to the Biophysical Society of Canada Meeting in Montreal
🏆 Adam Yasunaga – Poster award in Biophysical Society of Canada Meeting in Montreal
📝 Adam, Micah, and Seongho gave poster presentations at the Biophysical Society Canada Annual Meeting 2024, 2024-05, Montreal, QC, Canada
🏆 Congratulations to Kiera and Ryan for receiving the NSERC USRA and URA for the upcoming summer!
📝 Paper David co-authored in collaboration with the Murch lab has been published!
🏆 Adam's project is selectedd by the L2M program supported by Mitacs! Go turn science into applications!
💰 We just received funding for Eminence Cluster in Multiscale Integrative Immunobiology, with co-lead Emmanuel Osei, and co-applicants Fred Menard and Will Hughes.
👏 Welcome to Irving Zhang for joining our lab for MSc->PhD!
🏆 Seongho received the Michael Smith BC Health Research Postdoc Fellowship!
🏆 David received the Tsui Hong Mou Biophysics Award!
🏆 Isaac named the UBCO Researcher of the Year.
Examining single molecules for infinite possibilities
🏆 Ryan received the NSERC-USRA and joining us this summer.
🏆 Aryan, Shawn, Enze received the Mitacs Globalink and will be joining us this summer.
🏆 Seongho received the BSC travel award to go to BPS!
📝 Seongho's paper published!
📝 Micah, Dyuti, David's paper published!
🏆 Micah received the Finch Family Award, OKBC2022 presentation award.
👏 Welcome to David, Dyuti, Micah, and Shilong to start graduate school in the lab.
🏆 Micah received the UBC Faculty of Science Entrance Award
🏆 Dyuti, David, Liubov, Adam, Nishtha received the Graduate Research Scholarship
🏆 Adam and Scott received the Graduate Travel Award to BSC, Ottawa.
🏆 Micah and Ally received the Undergradaute Travel Award to BSC, Ottawa.
🏆 Adam received the Best PhD presentation award in the Biochemistry Graduate Seminar
🏆 Micah received the poster award at BSC
Lots to celebrate in April
🏆 Micah received the NSERC-USRA and GDES
🏆 Shilong received the NSERC-USRA, NSERC CGS-M, and a poster award in the Chemistry Undergraduate Research Conference!
🏆 Adam received the Biophysical Society of Canada Trainee Paper Award!
🏆 Nishtha received the GDES!
Our alumni, Yousif is starting his residency in Vancouver!
📝 Bahram's paper is published!
🏆 Isaac received Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Single-Molecule Biophysics and Mechanobiology!
🏆 Congrats to Adam, Scott and Liubov on the University Graduate Fellowships!
🏆 Congrats to Adam, Omkar and Liubov on the Special UBCO Graduate Award!
📝 Our first JoVE paper from Scott, Seongho, Adam, Vanessa, Yousif and Katherine is online.
📝 Rafaeal's 3D bioprinting paper published in Biofabrication!
📝 Adam's molecular force quantification paper is in Science Advances!
👏 Welcome Dyuti, Shilong, and Elise to our lab this summer!
🏆 Micah and Allison both received the poster presentation award from the Chemistry Undergraduate Research Conference! Congratulations! 🎉
🏆 Congrats to Allison for receiving the URA!
🏆 Congrats to Dyuti for receiving the IURA!
🏆 Congrats to Micah for receiving the NSERC-USRA!
📝 Adam and Yousif's paper on quantitative rolling velocity analysis is accepted in BJ!
🏆 Congratulations to Vanessa for receiving the Stober Foundation Graduate Award in Chemistry!
📝 Erfan's acoustic force paper published!
👏 Welcome Liubov to our lab!
🏆 Liubov also received the IDPT and GDES awards! Congrats!
📝 Runjhun's review on DNA bending is published in Sensors.
🏆 Welcome Dr. Seongho Kim to join our lab as a postdoc!
🏆 Isaac received the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) Scholar Award! Time to dissect the mechanobiology of diseases!
🎓 Congratulations to Summer for starting her independent career as an Assistant Professor at Thompson River University!
🏆 Congrats to Adam on getting NSERC PGS-D!
🏆 Congrats to Omkar on getting the UGF and IDPT
🏆 Congrats to Colin on getting the UGF
💰 We just got another CFI!
📝 Adam and Yousif's critical review on molecular force sensor is published on Physical Biology!
💼 We are hosting the second Western Canada Biophysics Conference (WCBC) at UBC Okanagan on Saturday, Sept.14, 2019. All are welcome to attend
🏆 Congrats to Scott on getting the GDES
💰 We just received the NFRF fund!
🏆 Congrats to Adam on getting NSERC CGS-M.
📝 Summer and Alex's paper on exosome made APL bioengineering cover!
📝 Yousif's serial TGT paper is highlighted by Biophys J.
🏆 Congrats to Alex and Victoria on getting NSERC USRA summer fellowship.
🏆 Congrats to Sydney on getting URA summer fellowship.
📝 Positional paper on Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles standard (MISEV2018) is published in JEV with colleagues in the EV field.
📝 Congrats to Adam on his first paper in collaboration with Susan Murch, now published in Journal of Pineal Research
🏆 Congratsto Adam on receiving the graduate travel award to BSC 2019 meeting in Toronto.
💰 Eminence cluster with Dr. Soheil Mahmoud is funded!
🎓 Yousif successfully defended his MSc! My first MSc student!
👏 Welcome Omkar to the lab, co-supervised with Fred Menard.
🎓 Yousif got into UBC's medical school program in Kelowna, Congratulations!
🎓 Keith got into U of T's graduate program in Chemistry, Congratulations!
🏆 Adam received a poster award in the URC conference, Congrats Adam!
🏆 Congratulations to Alexander Corbett, who received the NSERC-USRA to work in our lab this summer.
👏 Welcome Dr. Yuechao Tang and Dr. Summer Li to join the lab as Eminence postdocs!
🏆 Congratulations to Sydney Fearnley, who received the URA award and will join the lab this summer!
🏆 Congratulations to Yousif Murad, who received the graduate travel award!
💰 We receive funding to establish 2 Eminence research clusters at UBC Okanagan!
👏 We received Mitacs Globalink support to host Zhongyi Dai this summer. Welcome to the lab Zhongyi!
👏 Welcome Adam Yasunaga to the lab, and congratulations on getting the Undergraduate Research Award (URA)!
💰 Our lab is now NSERC-DG funded!
💼 We are hosting the first Western Canada Biophysics Conference (WCBC) at UBC Okanagan on Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2017. All are welcome to attend
📝 Our cell rotation tracking and molecular footprinting paper accepted to Sci Rep!
👏 Welcome Sara Tasnim, the second MSc student to join the lab! And congratulations on receiving the GDES!
💰 We received another work-study program funding!
💰 We received the UBC Internal Research Fund!
💰 We got infrastructure matching fund from BCKDF!
👏 Welcome Nolan Frymire to join the lab.
👏 Welcome Yousif Murad, the first MSc student to join the lab.
👏 Sophia Ng, Victor Sun, and Christine Furrer will join the lab for undergraduate thesis, welcome!
👏 Dawei Gu and Sabrina Slade joins the lab for summer research, welcome!
💰 We got funded by Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)!
📝 Manuscript on single molecule tension sensor construction is published in Scientific Report!
👔 Dr. Li joins Department of Chemistry at UBC Okanagan!
📝 Our manuscript on how osmolyte influence hydrophobic interaction is published in PNAS!
📝 Our manuscript on the role of single molecular force dictating integrin based cell spreading is published in Integrative Biology!