
Li Lab in single-molecule mechanobiology

Li Lab in single-molecule mechanobiology


Areas of teaching

Molecular and Cellular Biophysics

The course is a quantitative introduction of the biophysical principles behind a number of molecular and cellular processes. Topics include: basic stat mech, biophysics of macromolecules, DNA mechanics, molecular assembly, molecular machineries, cell motility, mechanobiology, biomolecular networks and pattern formation. Tools and techniques used at the frontier of nanoscience and nano-bio-technology will be introduced including: single-molecule fluorescence and force techniques, super-resolution microscopy, and DNA sequencing. Students are expected to actively participate in class discussion and present/discuss multiple research papers.

Course crosslisted: CHEM 477/577 | BIOC 477

Scientific Instrumentation

The course will be focused on gained a deeper understanding of a piece of equipment, culminating to students building their version of this equipment. We will develop an understanding of the function of each component of the instrument and any necessary coding required for hardware control, data acquisition, and data processing. Dependant on the module, typical topics students will become familiar with are optical systems, electrical circuits, and coding in different software environments (e.g., MATLAB, Python, Arduino) best fit for the task at hand. In groups, students will produce at least one working piece of scientific instrumentation by assembling low-cost components and developing code. At the end of the course, students will be able to identify major components of scientific instrumentation and have working knowledge of their role as well as how they are assembled.

Course code: CHEM 319/519

Nucleic Acid - Structure and Function

This multidisciplinary course will discuss the biochemical and biophysical properties of nucleic acid as well as applications of nucleic acid in modern biotechnology and nanotechnology. Topics include DNA/RNA structure and function, physical chemistry of nucleic acid that influences their behaviour in biological systems, techniques to study structure and function of nucleic acid, and DNA bio-nano-technology such as molecular machines, biosensors, DNA origami, and next-gen sequencing.

Course code: BIOC 410



Society for Learning in Retirement

Feb. 22, 2024


BSC Trainee Event

Virtual, Nov. 26, 2021


Future of Health

Accelerate Okanagan, Oct. 18, 2019


2nd Western Canada Biophysics Conference

ASC 140, Sept.13, 2019
Click here for more details


Nobel Night at UBC Okanagan

Fipke Lecture Theatre, Dec. 17, 2017


1st Western Canada Biophysics Conference

UNC 200, Mar.15, 2017
Click here for more details


Nobel Night at UBC Okanagan

Fipke Lecture Theatre, Dec. 8, 2016
Click here for highlights